Duralux marine boat paint, 1 gal, container, viscous liquid, green, semi- flat, petroleum odor/scent, 30 min drying time, application method: brush, roller, spray, uv. I recently purchased a 1973 starcraft nova 15' and am looking for help regarding painting the exterior aluminum boat painting aluminum primer and paint. Duralux aluminum boat paint is a vinyl-type product which exhibits excellent adhesion to aluminum and metal substrates. there is no need to prime.
14' lowe jon boat painting part 1 (paint the boat 14' lowe jon boat painting restoration 1981 sea nymph aluminum boat part 5 (spraying the paint). Topic 10712 painting an aluminum boat (2001) q. i'm currently building an aluminum boat and i would like to paint this boat once it is complete. i've talked to a few. 1 gal. camouflage duck boat drab marine flat what is the difference between this paint and the marine aluminum boat paint offered by the home depot canada;.